Monday, February 9, 2015

Nolumbeka Project President Joe Graveline To Be Panelist at Mt. Toby Peace and Social Concerns Film Event

“Guswenta: Renewing the Two Row Wampum Treaty”
Thursday, February 12, 
7:00 P.M.
Mt. Toby Friends Meetinghouse
194 Long Plain Road, Leverett, MA 

“Guswenta: Renewing the Two Row Wampum Treaty” is an 33-minute, award-winning documentary by Gwendolen Cates, featuring stunning footage from the 28 - day paddling journey from the Onondaga Nation to the United Nations during the summer of 2013, along with powerful words from Haudenosaunee leaders, including Onondaga Faithkeeper, Oren Lyons, Onondaga Clan Mother, Freida Jacques, Mohawk Spiritual Leader, Tom Porter, Tadodaho Sid Hill and non-native allies. 
The film inspires us to consider our collective responsibility 400 + years after the Two Row Wampum Treaty was agreed upon by Dutch Colonists and representatives of Haudenosaunee tribes. 
Following the film, 
a panel discussion will be moderated by paddler, 
Beth Adams of the 
Mt. Toby Peace and Social Concerns Committee. 
Panelists are: Don Campbell from Mt. Toby, Two-Row participant, Karen Nylander from Amherst, Native New York paddler, Dennis Willard, New York Quaker paddler, Buffy Curtis, and Joe Graveline, Nolumbeka Project
This event is the second this year in the Mt. Toby Peace and Social Concerns Committee film series . 
All welcome!